If you come to my office for pain relief, there’s a very good chance that you’ll leave with a good measure of relief. How do I know this? Because it’s been my experience that acupuncture works about 85% of the time to relieve pain. It’s rare that I cannot make a difference in the most stubborn cases of chronic or acute pain because… acupuncture works that well!
It’s also because I have more than just needles at my disposal when dealing with pain. When pain is chronic and longstanding, I’ll often enlist the use of electrical stimulation or “E-Stim,” much like a “tens unit” that physical therapists use. Research shows that different types of pain respond to different frequencies.
Another method of pain relief is fire cupping. I’ll use a glass cup that has been slightly heated, just enough to draw the oxygen out of the cup, which creates suction. This creates a strong massage that opens circulation and relaxes the muscles. It can be quite effective for pain relief in the lower and mid-back and shoulders.
Finally, the release of endorphins that acupuncture stimulates creates a deep relaxation and will always help in easing your pain.
If you are experiencing pain, chances are that you don’t have to suffer. Why not give acupuncture a try and see if it can make a difference for you?